Challenge yourself as an entrepreneur

Open contest for novel business ideas and best ideas “Challenge yourself as an entrepreneur” is organized by Business Center – Maritza ​within the project „Handicrafts and social economy: A driver for socially inclusive growth in the CB region”, with acronym „SocialCrafts“, under the Cooperation Programme “Interreg V –A Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020

BUSINESS CENTER-MARITSA challenges all those who have ideas for social entrepreneurship from the regions of Haskovo, Kardzhali, Smolyan and Blagoevgrad.

Application form:


The open contest for novel business ideas and best ideas “Challenge yourself as an entrepreneur” is part of the project „Handicrafts and social economy: A driver for socially inclusive growth in the CB region”, with acronym „SocialCrafts“, under the Cooperation Programme “Interreg V –A Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020
